ISRAEL-is Speak Up

ISRAEL-is Speak Up Program is Here to Create Change!

ISRAEL-is Speak Up is a transformative program designed to empower participants to share their personal stories and connect with Jewish communities worldwide. Through a two-day intensive public speaking workshop, participants will gain the skills and confidence to effectively communicate their experiences and inspire others to join the cause of strengthening Israel’s global image.

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our program

Why Speak Up

Discover the power of your unique voice and how sharing your Israel story can make a meaningful impact on global perceptions.

Our Vision

At ISRAEL-is Speak Up, we envision a world where every individual’s personal Israel journey becomes a catalyst for positive change, fostering connections and understanding among Jewish communities worldwide.

The Workshop

Our intensive public speaking workshop is led by industry experts and renowned speakers, guiding participants to refine their storytelling skills and craft compelling narratives.

Making a Difference

Through speaking engagements both in Israel and internationally, ISRAEL-is Speak Up participants become powerful advocates for Israel, inspiring others to take a stand against delegitimization.

Presentation Logistics

 ISRAEL-is collects travel information from all participants to ensure seamless planning and scheduling of speaking engagements during their trips back home. For speaking engagements in Israel, we will provide at least one month’s advance notice to arrange logistics and provide support.

Program Requirements and Payments

Participants are required to fulfill speaking engagements both in their home communities and in Israel, serving as impactful ambassadors for Israel. A deposit of 200 shekels is collected at the start of the program, which will be returned upon completing the minimum requirements. We encourage participants to continue making a positive impact even after fulfilling the minimum requirements.

How to enroll in the program?

  1. Fill the form
  2. After completing you will receive an email from us with details to follow
  3. Set up a personal interview on Zoom to meet with our team.

So why are we here?

Social media platforms have become the most challenging and toxic space when it comes to the global discourse on Israel. It is no secret that Israel’s image has been severely damaged by the “popular” anti-Israel discourse on social media.

We know that many surfers create a false image for us as a country and as Israelis and distort the true Israeli story and our life here in Israel.

Therefore, we work to create a positive discourse about Israel and show the world the magic that exists in Israel and in the  Israeli people, thus changing the negative discourse.

The Influencers Program enables us as Israelis to show millions of young people around the world the real Israel through our personal perspective on the most influential platforms and communities in the world.

What are we doing in the program?

The plan is divided into three parts:

  • Three days of training to create content and citizen diplomacy: During the training, you will learn from the best how to create content that works on social media and generates engagement (a word we will repeat a lot – essentially, another way of saying likes and comments). We will learn about the challenges and complexities associated with improving Israel’s image on the internet, and we will get to know the world of digital communities closely.
  • Four months of content creation within communities: Throughout the program, we integrate the trainees into English-speaking Facebook communities, where they post authentic and original content that reaches thousands of other community members, reaching hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world.
  • Excursions and volunteer work around the country: Once a month, we see Israel and the wonderful people who live in it, including amazing experiences that many of us do not get to appreciate on a daily basis.
  • Receiving a scholarship: At the end of 4 months of volunteering, trainees will receive a scholarship.

How Does It Work?

All participants who join the program will act from their personal user accounts and publish content that presents the real Israel, just as we know it.


Our goal is to tell the story of our country through our personal stories. This is how we will always see the beautiful, real Israel – our Israel.

Requirements and commitment

Attendance at all sessions – preliminary trainings, weekly zoom session, and experiential sessions (day and a half).

Upload 3-5 videos a week and reach the goals set during the personal interview.

What do our participants get?

Tools and marketable skills while learning from leading professionals in the field that will make them masters in TikTok and masters in improving Israel’s image digitally.

A $500 scholarship (for students only) to be awarded at the end of the program in recognition of their participation in this one-of-a-kind program.

Who is suitable for the program?

  • Undergraduate students / certificate studies.
  • People for whom it is important to represent Israel in the world.
  • People who visit and advertise on social media on a daily basis.
  • People who are willing to be exposed and share their lives online.
  • People who value volunteering.
  • Ability to express yourself in written and spoken English. We are not looking for Oxford English, but one that will allow you to tell a story.