Made payable to our US fiscal sponsor: Merit Spread Foundation Inc.
Reference: Israel-Is
Address: Israel Discount Bank, Aventura Branch, 18851 NE 29th Ave., Ste. 600, Aventura, FL 33180
Account Name: Merit Spread Foundation Inc.
Reference: ISRAEL-is
Bank: ISrael Discount Bank of New York
Address: 1114 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036
Account: 1000080272
ABA: 026009768
Kindly update us at upon making a donation so that we may follow up with the appropriate channel.
Credit to:
TD Canada Trust
1677 Avenue Road
Toronto, ON M5M 3Y3
Institution: 004
Branch: 0252
Bank No.: 2
Account No.: 02525226859
Account Name: Ne’eman Foundation Canada
(For US Dollar donations, please credit Account No. 02527301863)
Beneficiary address;
Ne’eman Foundation Canada
160 Faywood Blvd.,
Toronto, ON M3H 2X9
Kindly update us at upon making a donation so that we may follow up with the appropriate channel.
Kindly update us at upon making a donation so that we may follow up with the appropriate channel.